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Tara Nolan, former editor of Canadian Gardening has just authored her first book, Raised Bed Revolution, in it, she explains the virtues of raised beds

Yoga Sivananda Aylmer is a group of long-time students and teachers dedicated to continuing the classical hatha yoga tradition in Aylmer.

Thirteen new qigong instructors were certified in Aylmer on March 26, after completing a 6-month, 200-hour teacher training, given by Aylmer resident and local qigong and tai chi teacher, Blaise T. Ryan

Spring is coming. Everyone wants to get out and about in nature to welcome the retreat of the snow, and to stroll, hike, bike, horseback ride, or paddle in the countryside and urban parks.

However, the adjective "good" means "tasty," "nutritious" and "safe." Now, once upon a time, people could take this for granted but not nowadays. Savvy consumers have learned to question such topics as antibiotics in meat

Dozens of scientific experiments and studies have proven the beneficial effects of meditation. Not only does it lower cortisol levels, which reduces internal inflammation, but it also helps clear the mental and emotional clutter

Our need for social connection and belonging is one of the most crucial needs we have. Researchers have concluded that those who maintain active social lives live longer, get sick less and are generally happier

We can't avoid stress altogether. In fact some stress is good for  us. This "good stress" is the pressure we feel when we push ourselves to meet our goals. This "good stress" is our own refusal to submit to inertia

There is a reason that China has the world's largest population.  For thousands of years families have used Traditional Chinese Medicine to conceive and bring to term more healthy babies than any other culture

Rule # 4: Keep your spine and muscles loose and limber.
Tension in your muscles will reduce the circulation of blood, lymph and neural signals in your body. It can also cause joints to compress, which can lead to arthritis and chronic pain

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